Join this powerful mission movement by giving just ONE DAY of your monthly salary/income to our ongoing and expanding mission efforts.
Imagine going to work, ONE DAY a month knowing that your time, your energy, and your purpose is going toward much more than a mortgage, cable bill, or car insurance. In addition to contributing to your own family and goals, you are investing ONE DAY to change lives in areas of great need!
On this day, you are essentially heading into the mission field with us. So step into your work environment with an added sense of destination and meaning! Enjoy the wind in your hair, the laughter of the children in a far away place, the feeling of joy in serving, and the bond that comes from being part of a team.
Whether you are A BARISTA OR BUSINESS MAN, A RN OR CEO, A PART-TIME EMPLOYEE OR FULL-TIME STAFF, your gift will make a huge difference in the lives of those we serve in 21 developing communities and the missionaries we partner with around the world. No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are, you can give ONE DAY!
What happens when you join the Identify mission movement? You give, but actually get a lot too!
First, you get a ONE DAY t-shirt to wear on your ONE DAY at work. This will remind you that you are part of great purposes and plans, especially in developing communities of Central America.
Next, you will, WAIT FOR IT ... Join us for FREE in Guatemala for 4 DAYS! Yes, you read that right! *We cover everything except airfare. During that time, you will visit the places and people that you have shown up to work for on your ONE DAY each month. You will see in person how your purpose was more than paying a bill or saving for the future. You will be part of the story, because you helped to shape the story!
So, our question for you ... Will you join us?
We are simply asking for ONE DAY.
One day of income.
One day of tips.
One day of sales.
One day of retirement.
One day each month, to see Education, Medical, Spiritual, and Wellbeing advancements in communities in need. Isn't is worth it?
Jessie, our first ever ONE DAY partner, told us that one of the things she loves most about this movement is that "I can do it at any stage in my life. Right now, while I am serving tables in Colorado, I can give based on my salary. When I become a grad student, I can adjust my giving to fit a lower student salary. And then, when I get a step into my career, I can increase it to match an income that I have worked so hard to earn. And it gives me greater purpose, no matter where I am or what I am doing."
Please use the button here to set up your ONE DAY recurring payment or do so through your own banking system mailed to Identify PO Box 3983 Suwanee, GA 30024.
Identify is grateful to you. LET'S MAKE OUR ONE DAY, TODAY!